Launch of and What legal documents are required?

Launch of and What legal documents are required?

The launch of two new Kaufland marketplaces in the Czech Republic and Slovakia will take place soon. Traders can already register on and and prepare their trader accounts. In view of the imminent go-live, this article clarifies the question of whether legal texts are required for the Czech and Slovakian counterparts of and how they need to be designed.

I. and Are legal texts required?

Kaufland is establishing two new international marketplaces for sales to buyers in the Czech Republic and Slovakia through and

Both countries are EU member states in which the same EU legal principles regarding distance selling and privacy policy apply as in Germany.

Thus, national Czech and Slovakian sales presences require the following information:

  • complete supplier information provided in the imprint,
  • pre-contractual information obligations on delivery and payment terms, warranty rights and other contract-related circumstances contained in the GTC,
  • indication of the right to cancel and the modalities for exercising this right with a cancellation instruction including a model cancellation form, and
  • specification of all configurations involving the processing of personal data within a privacy policy compliant with the GDPR.

Since traders advertise their own offers on and and thus become direct parties to concluded contracts, their trader accounts are deemed as their own presences.

Therefore, it is essential for traders to have their own legally compliant legal texts regarding and

However, legal texts do not only ensure compliance with mandatory legal information obligations. GTC and cancellation policy also allow the trader to deviate from legal provisions to the extent permissible and thus to achieve contractual improvements vis-à-vis the buyer.

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II. and Which legal texts are required?

The marketplaces and are each operated under national law. Traders who want to operate shops on these new platforms are therefore subject to Czech or Slovak law.

Legal texts according to German law in the German language are therefore not suitable for and Any legal texts used for must not be used for the new Czech and Slovak marketplace.

Traders must ensure that they provide the following information for the marketplaces and

  • GTC
  • cancellation policy
  • privacy policy
  • imprint

respectively in the Czech language in accordance with Czech law or in the Slovakian language in accordance with Slovakian law.

This is of particular importance because both the Czech Republic and Slovakia have deviated from the applicable EU directives within the scope of their legal powers afforded to them and thus have created special national law, especially in warranty law.

This of course must be adequately considered in the respective GTC for and

III. Where do I obtain professional legal texts for and

To enable traders to be optimally prepared for the launch of the marketplaces and and to safeguard their trader accounts with professional and legally compliant legal texts, IT-Recht Kanzlei makes the following offer with immediate effect:

For traders who want to get started on all 3 Kaufland marketplaces, IT-Recht Kanzlei offers legal texts for, and that are safe from legal notices in a discounted combination package for a total of only 14.50€ plus VAT per month.

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