LTI Test Tool

On this page you can test your implementation of the Legal Text Interface (LTI). For a complete documentation with examples and an SDK written in PHP please have a look at our itrk-plugin-sdk.

URL, Token and Method

Call the API action "getVersion".

Account List

Use the GetAccountList call to retrieve the list of (sub- or language) shops from your system. Afterwards you can select the shop ID for which you want to execute the push requests. If your system is not a multi-shop system, you can also skip this step.

Push documents

Please note: When running the tests, any existing legal texts will be overwritten!

Call the API action "pushDocument" and transfer an imprint.
Call the API action "pushDocument" and transfer general terms and conditions.
Call the API action "pushDocument" and transfer a privacy policy
Call the API action "pushDocument" and transfer a cancellation policy.


Endpoint Response


Submitted Request



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